A Year of Logic Puzzles: Grid & Sudoku Puzzles for Ages 9+



Does your curriculum include brain teasers and logical reasoning challenges? These fun puzzles are a great supplement that you can incorporate all year long.

What’s Included:

This set of logic puzzles includes themed puzzles for each month of the year. For each theme there is 1 grid logic puzzle and 2 sudoku puzzles for a total of 36 puzzles.

(Try out the Valentine’s Day set for free to see if you like it!)

The puzzles are not labeled by month, though, so you can use them anytime of the year.

The themes included are:

–New Year’s
–Valentine’s Day (***Click here to see these sample puzzles***)
–Pi Day
–Earth Day
–Back to School

Also included is a complete set of solutions, making this easy and low prep for you.

Ideas for when to use the logic puzzles:

–In your substitute plans
–Early finishers
–As extra credit
–A monthly competition for students
–Half days or near holidays when you have a little extra time

Typically these puzzles can be completed by kids ages 9 and up, but some younger kids may be able to solve them as well, especially if they have help or work together in small groups.

Or for younger kids, try this set of hands on puzzles.

**Please Note: This is a pdf download which you can download and save after checkout. No physical product will be shipped to you. In addition, this is designed for personal use in the home or classroom only. You may not share, distribute or alter this resource in any way. Thank you for your honesty!**

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